PRAYER Is Our Starting Line
Anytime we prepare to move forward in life our starting line should always be prayer. Prayer initiates the process of beginning and deepening our relationship with God. It is our opportunity to hear from the heart of God. As we pray the Holy Spirit begins to communicate back with us. He then becomes our guide and where He guides He always provides.
Beginning in June, our Church Family moves forward with amazing opportunities for Prayer and Ministry.
These are just the beginning of opportunities for Ministry that will come in the days and months ahead. And for each ministry there must be a foundation of prayer as we continue to focus on Christ in our personal lives, in our families, in our Church, in our Community and in our World… We must always be a Church seeking the heart of Jesus in the heart of the Community with the Community at heart. I love the following quotes on the power and purpose of prayer that is ours in Christ:
Please let me know if you will join us in the “furious, fervent, faith-filled, unceasing prayer” of which Beth Moore has reminded us. When this becomes a cornerstone for our movement forward, we will see the heart of Jesus revealed like never before! Because He Lives, Pastor Hal |